Portland Children’s Levy Newsletter September 2014
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Funding Update
The Portland Children’s Levy new Request For Investment for Culturally Specific Child Abuse Prevention/Intervention Program Services for African American Children and Families
will be awarded at the Monday, Sept. 8th Allocation Committee meeting. Click here for an agenda for the 2 p.m. meeting in City Hall Council Chambers.
Pass it On
Impact NW’s 13th Annual Garden Party is Sept. 20th. Go here for more info.
Playworks will host its Keep Portland Playful Fundraiser
on Sept. 26th at Providence Park Key Bank Club. The night will feature games, a live and silent auction, food and fun on the Timbers and Thorns pitch. Tickets are here.
Volunteers of America’s Wine and Harvest Dinner is Nov. 1st at Portland’s University Club. The event is a major fundraiser for the Family Relief Nursery, and includes a wine tasting, silent auction, raffle and dinner prepared by the University Club’s chef. Event news is here.
Youth, Rights and Justice Wine and Chocolate Extravaganza is Nov. 8th. Go here for more details.
Janus Youth Program’s homeless youth shelters are filled to capacity, providing 60 youth a safe place to stay and a hot meal. Its Meal Makers program provides a volunteer opportunity for individuals, families, corporations and community groups to purchase food and cook dinner at their homes or businesses then drop off the cooked meal at the shelter by 7 p.m. Meal Makers can choose what day they would like to prepare and donate a meal and whether they will cook for one or both shelters (30 or 60 youth). To sign up, go here.
In the News: Helpful article
This link were passed along by a colleague:
Podcast and article: Childhood Stress Decreases Size of Brain Regions: “Early stress has been associated with depression, anxiety, cancer and lack of career success later on in adulthood. This study on the sizes of brain regions may offer physiological clues…”
PCL Programs Making a Difference:
Saturday Academy

Celebrating 100 Years of our Nation’s Library System /Spring 2014
Middle school students at Beach School’s Saturday Academy program created the two-panel acrylic mural currently hanging in the Portland Public Schools admin building. The subject-matter coincided with celebrating a century of America’s national library system.
“Like” us on our new FB page
The Portland Children’s Levy has a new, more dynamic FB page. Click on the link above to “like” it and please pass along to your colleagues, clients and board members as well.
Next Allocation Committee Meeting: Sept. 8th
The Allocation Committee will meet from 2 to 4 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 8th in Portland City Hall Council Chambers. Click here for an agenda. Notices are sent to the PCL list serve prior to the meeting and will be posted on the Levy website atwww.portlandchildrenslevy.org
Check out the new PCL 2012-13 Progress Report
The new PCL 2012-13 Progress Report celebrating 10 years of serving Portland’s children is out! Click here to view the PDF online. Also, hard copies will be available at the upcoming Allocation Committee meetings or by contacting marygay.broderick@portlandoregon.gov
Get the Word Out
If you have an upcoming event or news you’d like to share with others in a future PCL newsletter, email the details to marygay.broderick@portlandoregon.gov
Online PCL Org Directory
We have published an online directory of PCL organizations, including program descriptions and contact info, that we hope is useful to your staff and their clients. It’s on the home page of our website in the “Spotlight” section atwww.portlandchildrenslevy.org
Contact PCL Staff for the Following Areas
*Director, After School & Hunger grants:
*Assistant Director and Early Childhood & Mentoring grants:
*Child Abuse Prevention/Intervention & Foster Care Grants Manager:
*Communications Director:
*Fiscal Specialist:
Who We Are
The Portland Children’s Levy was created by city voters in 2002 and overwhelmingly renewed by the electorate in Fall 2008 and Spring 2013. Funding for the new five-year Levy began July 1, 2014 and includes hunger relief as a new focus area.
The Levy is supported through a property tax paid by city of Portland homeowners that annually generate about $10 million toward proven programs serving 10,000 Portland children and their families in areas of Early Childhood, After School, Mentoring, Child Abuse Prevention/Intervention, Foster Care and Hunger Relief.
The Levy is annually audited and administrative costs do not exceed 5 percent.
Questions? Contact: Call Mary Gay Broderick at 503-823-2947or e-mail marygay.broderick@portlandoregon.gov
See our website at www.portlandchildrenslevy.org