PCL Compliance Audit

Tonya Moffit, Merina + Co., presented results of their Compliance Examination FY21.pdf. PCL complied with the 5% cap on administrative expenses as required by authorizing ballot measure, and there were no findings or recommendations.

Early Childhood Grantee Partners shared Reflections

Staff from 4 PCL community partners in early childhood reflected on service delivery during the pandemic. Thanks to Tamara Mayes, Linda Bryant-Daaka, and Velynn Brown (The Black Parent Initiative/Together We Can and Sacred Roots), Erika Hernandez (Hacienda CDC/Portland Niños), Maria Quijano (Metropolitan Service/Ready, Set Go!), and Robert Cantwell (Portland Public Schools/Head Start) for taking time to share their programs and passion for young children and their families.

January 2022 Levy Revenue Forecast

Staff briefed the Committee on the City economist’s most recent revenue projections which improved compared to the January 2021 forecast. PCL expects to have sufficient revenue to cover all current grant commitments, and likely will have sufficient revenue to maintain consistent funding levels for 2-year grant renewals.

2020-21 Performance Report

Staff presented performance data summarizing results of grantees’ work during FY20-21. Grantee partners served children and families disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. Despite these constraints, they provided consistent connection and support to thousands of children and families in Portland. Quotes from grantee partners provide context for service delivery during the pandemic. View the Slide Deck.PCL AC meeting.03.15.22.pdf and the FY21 Performance Data Appendix.03.08.22.pdf for more detail.

Midyear Progress Report

Staff presented progress data (July-Dec 2021) provided by grantee partners and discussed program implementation themes. Programs experienced significant staffing issues (hiring and retention) that impacted service delivery. Most programs provided both virtual and in-person services during the reporting period. Illness during the COVID surges, mental health challenges and violence in our community all continued to affect program staff and participants.

Community Council Recruitment In Progress

Staff is actively recruiting community members to participate on the recently approved Community Council. Interested community members can apply here. Virtual information sessions for people interested in applying are scheduled for March 17 and March 31; register here to attend. Applications are due April 10.

Miss Tuesday’s Meeting?

Watch it on YouTube or on CityNet Xfinity Channel 30 and 330 (HD) March 18, 2022 at 6:30pm or March 21,2022 at 8pm. You can also view the Slide Deck.PCL AC meeting.03.15.22.pdf for all presentations.

Join Us for the next Allocation Committee Meeting

Our next meeting will be on June 14, 2022. Agendas will be sent to our email list, shared on our social media channels and posted here on our website.

We welcome your comment on the work of the Portland Children’s Levy. If you would like to join the next meeting to participate, please stay tuned for the next meeting invite.