Allocation Committee Meeting Recap (12-16-24)
Welcome to the recap of the Allocation Committee meeting on December 16, 2024. You can watch a YouTube recording of the video by clicking the image below.
New Allocation Committee Member Welcomed
PCL welcomed Charity Kreider to the Allocation Committee as the City-appointed community member. Ms. Kreider brings lived and professional experience and knowledge in both education and health sectors to the Committee.
Funding Round Update
The large grant funding round opened on September 10, 2024 with applications published in each of the Levy’s 6 program areas in the City’s WebGrants system. Application information was simultaneously posted on the PCL website. Applications were due on November 4, 2024. PCL hosted virtual information sessions attended by 130 people and responded to written questions from potential applicants. Questions and answers were published weekly on the PCL website.
168 applications are currently under review: a 46% increase in applications from the 2019-20 funding round. Applicants requested a total of $222.6 million with projected resources of $64.7 million ($3.4 requested for each $1 available). Estimates of total resources available were revised downward due to:
- An error in the original estimate that did not include decisions the Allocation Committee made in June to continue funding the Community Childcare Initiative and the Small Grants Fund.
- Lower revenue projections delivered by the City economist in December 2024.
- Required contributions from PCL to the City’s Vibrant Communities Support Services unit due to City governmental transition.
View the meeting slide deck (PDF) for more details on the number of applications, funds requested and resources allocated by program area, and other data on applications received.
PCL recruited 96 community volunteers to read and score grant applications. Four reviewers will score each application, and reviewers are assigned to score 7-8 applications. All reviewers received training and are scoring applications in the WebGrants system. Scores are due from reviewers by January 10, 2025. Reviewer scores will be averaged to arrive at a final score for each application.
Community Council Update and Funding Round Next Steps
The Community Council met in October to learn more about the data and information they will use to advise the Allocation Committee in the large grant funding round. They will meet in January to review data on application characteristics (e.g. score, program area, funding priorities addressed, size of organization, whether organization/program is a current grantee, populations served), and prioritize desired characteristics for staff recommendations. The Council will not receive or discuss individual applications.
Staff will use the Council’s priorities to craft two options of Levy-wide funding portfolios for the Council’s discussion in March. The Council will recommend one portfolio option to the Allocation Committee for funding.
Staff will then send the recommended portfolio to applicants. Between mid-March and early April, applicants will have the opportunity to submit written or video testimony in response to recommendations. The Allocation Committee will make funding decisions in April, which will be presented to the City Council for approval in early May. New grants will begin July 1, 2025.
City of Portland Transition
The City of Portland is currently transitioning to a new form of government with the election of 12 city councilors that will focus on legislative tasks, and a mayor and City Administrator that will oversee day-to-day operations. City offices and bureaus have been grouped into 6 service areas headed by Deputy City Administrators (DCA). PCL is now part of the Vibrant Communities service area with Portland Parks & Recreation and the Office of Arts & Culture. PCL is participating in the service area alignment and coordination process at the direction of the Vibrant Communities DCA.
Miss Monday’s meeting?
Watch it on YouTube or on CityNet Xfinity Channel 30 and 330 (HD) Dec. 17 at 8:30 p.m. and Dec. 22 at 9 a.m. You can also view the meeting slide deck.
Join us for the next Allocation Committee meeting
Our next meeting is planned for February 2025 with no date yet confirmed. Check the PCL website for updated information. Agendas will be sent to this email list, shared on our social media channels and posted on
We welcome your comment on agenda items or the work of the Portland Children’s Levy. If you would like to join the next meeting to participate, please join our email list and stay tuned for the meeting invite.