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From left: Allocation Committee members Dan Floyd, Felicia Tripp Folsom, Traci Rossi and Chair Dan Ryan stand next to each other in front of a white, textured, patterned background.

Allocation Committee Meeting Recap (6-24-24)


The Allocation Committee approved funding priorities, allocation of projected resources, and other details for the upcoming funding round -- and more.

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image from PCL Community Council meeting on May 29, 2024, with a large group view at the top, and zoomed in view below of Community Council member Stephen Pham

Community Council Meeting Recap (5-29-24)

Community Council members integrated community engagement results into funding priorities for the upcoming funding round.

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Tennis instructor with youth players on court

Portland Tennis & Education – Carlos’ story (Video)

Meet Carlos, a graduating high school senior who has participated in Portland Tennis & Education programs since he was a young child. Learn how PT&E has impacted Carlos and his ...

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Pedro waving while holding his tennis racket

Portland Tennis & Education – Pedro’s story (Video)

Meet Pedro, the first wheelchair scholar athlete in the after school program at Portland Tennis & Education. PT&E is a small grants partner of the Portland Children’s Levy and is ...

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Collage of images showcasing the Portland Children's Levy Allocation Committee Meeting from 5/6/2024 discussing Community Engagement Results & Recommendations. One image showing a panel discussion, another showing a zoom call with multiple members on the screen, and the last image showing a council woman discussing a topic.

Allocation Committee and Community Council Joint Meeting Recap (5-6-24)


Welcome to the recap of the joint meeting of the Allocation Committee and the Community Council on May 6, 2024. Community engagement results and recommendations  Consultants Camille E. Trummer and ...

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Allocation Committee Meeting Recap (3-11-24)

Learn about 2022-23 performance data, preparation for the funding process and more.

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Allocation Committee Meeting Recap (12-11-23)

Preview the upcoming funding process, learn details about the community engagement plan and get updates on the Community Council.

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Allocation Committee Meeting Recap (10-17-23)

Learn more about the small grants renewal decisions, the community engagement process and more.

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Portland Children’s Levy seeks business representative to join Allocation Committee

The Levy is overseen by a 5-member Allocation Committee that makes funding recommendations in a competitive application process subject to Portland City Council approval. 

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Community Council members from left to right, front row: Lolita Broadous, Karina Bjork, Kamla Hurst, Amarachi Duru, Lisa Wittorff; back row: Jami K. LeBaron, former member Amy Ramos, Alejandra Favela, Alix Sanchez, Stephen Pham; not pictured: LaNae Johnson, Cathie Pedersen, Deian Salazar

Apply to join the PCL Community Council

Two seats are available to help shape Levy policies and processes.

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Screengrab from 6/13/2023 allocation committee meeting discussing disability training for small grants

Allocation Committee Meeting Recap (6-13-23)

Learn more about the small grants renewal process and timeline, community engagement process and more.

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Voters Renew Portland Children’s Levy

The renewal extends the end date of Levy funding through June 30, 2029. 

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Screengrab from 4/18/2023 allocation committee meeting discussing large grant renewals with

Allocation Committee Meeting Recap (4-18-23)

The Allocation Committee approved large grant renewals, revised a policy for foster care grants, heard about the fiscal year 2022 audit report and more.

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a woman playing violin with another woman

BRAVO Youth Orchestras (Video)

Meet some of the students who participate in @BRAVOYouthOrchestras at César Chávez School and George Middle School and learn about the program’s impact on their lives. BRAVO is an after ...

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Screengrab from 2/21/2023 allocation committee meeting discussing policy change proposal for foster care grants

Allocation Committee Meeting Recap (2-21-23)

The Allocation Committee considered a policy change proposal for foster care grants and heard presentations on the large grant renewal process and timeline, 2021-22 performance data and the Community Council.

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Young girl with pink streaks in hair smiling at the camera holding carrots pulled from the garden she is standing next to. In the background there is another child working with an adult male to find more plants in the garden bed.

City Council refers Portland Children’s Levy renewal to May 16 special election ballot

The Children’s Levy invests $23 million annually in grants for community-based programs that support children, youth and their families so children. The measure would not raise taxes.

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Screengrab from 12/13/2022 allocation committee meeting with Ally Meyer to discuss grantee partners reflections

Allocation Committee Meeting Recap (12-13-22)

The Allocation Committee heard from three hunger relief grantee partners on program delivery, appointed 5 people to the Community Council, and received updates on the grant performance summary process and large grant renewal process and timeline.

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screengrab from 10/18/2022 allocation committee meeting discussing grantee partners

Allocation Committee Meeting Recap (10-18-22)

The Allocation Committee heard from three Portland Children's Levy grantee partners on after school program delivery and received updates on the financial report, Community Council and Community Report.

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PCL seeks additional Community Council members

PCL is recruiting volunteers with lived, professional, and volunteer experience with marginalized children, youth, families and their support services for its new Community Council. The purpose of the Council is to advise PCL staff and the PCL Allocation Committee on Levy policy and procedures including community engagement and future funding rounds.

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Allocation Committee meeting recap (6-14-22)

The Allocation Committee heard from four Portland Children's Levy community partners in foster care, appointed eight applicants to the Community Council, and received updates on service delivery during the pandemic and PCL staffing.

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