Small Grants Fund Disability Learning Convening, Fall 2021

On September 23rd, 2021, we held a Disability Learning Convening for grantee partners of the Small Grants Fund. Small Grants Fund grantee partners have developed disability inclusion goals that they are working towards in their program, and PCL provided training led by BIPOC facilitators with disabilities. Saara Hirsi, Tamyca Branam Philips, and Laythan Branamdestewart all participated as panelists. You can read their bios here.
While there were some technical challenges on the day of the event, you can find recordings of their full presentations here. In addition, we know that many of our grantee partners would like more information and resources for serving Black, Indigenous, and children and youth of color with disabilities in their programs and communities. Our speakers put together a list of organizations, videos, and other resources that organizations can use to support staff and/or parents and youth. We will continue to update these resources as we learn about new organizations and trainings that will be useful for our grantees. We see these as a beginning and are working to find more ways to support grantees and children and youth with disabilities.