Revenue Forecast

Portland Children’s Levy expects adequate resources to fully fund all current grant commitments for the full 3-year term despite the economic downturn due to the pandemic. 

Annual Performance Report

Staff presented PCL’s 2019-20 Performance Report showing demographics of children and families served, program outcomes and how our partners responded to the pandemic. Both staff and the committee thanked partners for their incredible and innovative work to support children and families in the midst of this health crisis.

Read and download the Annual Performance Report, FY19-20 here.

Feedback on Funding Processes

Levy Grants Manager Arika Bridgeman-Bunyoli and Alix Sanchez, a member of the Small Grants Design Team, presented findings and recommendations from applicant and reviewer feedback on the Small Grants Fund process.
Read and download the 2020 Small Grants Fund: Results and Process Feedback report here.

Additionally, Assistant Director Meg McElroy presented feedback from applicants and reviewers in the 2019-20 large grant round, and recommendations for future funding rounds that incorporate lessons learned from both small and large grant funding processes.
Read and download the Process Improvement Report: 2019-20 Grantmaking report here.

2020-21 Mid-Year Progress Report

Finally, themes from partners’ mid-year progress reports (July – December, 2020) were presented with a focus on successes, challenges and program adaptations during the pandemic.
Read and download the Program Implementation during COVID Emergency July – December 2020 report here.  

Expressing Gratitude

It has been an honor to serve as a member of the PCL team for the past 12+ years. I retired at the end of January and am filling in part-time until the new Grant Manager is hired.

I appreciate the thoughtful leadership and support of the Allocation Committee over the years.

I’m proud to have been part of a team that is committed to learning, growing, and doing better.

I’m grateful for all the community partners, volunteers, and contractors who I’ve had the pleasure of working with over the years.

I feel extremely privileged to have worked alongside grantees who are so compassionate, thoughtful, creative, and dedicated to making Portland a better place for children and families.

I thank each of you for all you have taught me and for trusting me in our work together.

Take good care,

Lisa Hansell, 
Grant Manager

Miss Tuesday’s Meeting?

Watch it on YouTube here or on CityNet Xfinity Channel 30 and 330 (HD) at 8 pm on 04-05-2021 and 2 pm on 04-06-2021. You can also view the slide deck for all presentations here.

Upcoming Allocation Committee Meeting

Our next meeting will be from 3 to 5 p.m. on Tuesday, 15 June 2021. Agendas will be sent to our email list, shared on our social media channels and posted on this website.

We welcome your comment on agenda items or the work of the Portland Children’s Levy. If you would like join the June Zoom meeting to participate, join our email list for the next meeting invite.