Welcome to the recap of the Allocation Committee meeting on Oct. 17, 2023.

Grantee partner reflections

Two grantee partners providing early childhood home visiting services reflected on service delivery in recent years. Many thanks to the following guests and organizations for taking the time to share their experiences:

  • Mariana Bonham, Impact NW Parent Child Development Services
  • Sara Bazan, Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization (IRCO) Child and Parent Success program

Small grants renewal decisions

Allocation Committee members unanimously approved 2.5-year grant renewals of all 7 small grants.   

Small grants started Jan. 1, 2021 and end on Dec. 31, 2023. The renewals extend the grants through June 30, 2026.

In recent months, PCL staff members reviewed and analyzed annual data and narrative reports and met with grantee partners. Staff shared renewal recommendations with grantee partners in September, and grantee partners had the option to submit written responses, all of which were shared with Allocation Committee members.

PCL will seek City Council approval of the grant renewals in early November. 

Community engagement process update

In the May 16 special election, voters renewed the Levy for five years through June 30, 2029. Prior to the next competitive funding process, the Act that governs Levy operations requires that PCL conduct community engagement to inform future funding priorities.

Camille Trummer has been hired to plan and implement the engagement process over the next 6-7 months. Trummer’s team will design and transcreate a survey in 6 languages, with the goal of reaching 250-300 community members. They will conduct 8-10 focus groups and interview up to 10 key stakeholders. 

PCL is also contracting with Community Engagement Liaisons, who are a network of leaders in their culturally specific communities specializing in community outreach and engagement. Community Engagement Liaisons will work to collect 300 surveys in up to 26 languages.

Trummer’s team will analyze and synthesize all community input and make recommendations to the Community Council and Allocation Committee. PCL plans to complete the community engagement process in spring 2024.

Community Council update

The Community Council welcomed Cathie Pedersen and Deian Salazar as its two new members in September, and the full body now has 13 members. Levy staff are also completing a recruitment for the community engagement coordinator who will support the council.

Over the next 9 months, the council will shape the funding process design including the application, review and funding recommendation processes. At the council’s Sept. 20 meeting, members provided input on the funding application including identifying the most important qualities of organizations that PCL funds, and the information most needed about programs and services in the application process.

At its Nov. 17 meeting, the council will provide more detailed input into the application questions and content and will learn more about previous application review processes.

Miss Tuesday’s meeting?

Watch it on YouTube or on CityNet Xfinity Channel 30 and 330 (HD) Oct. 20 at 7 p.m. and Oct. 22 at 9 a.m. You can also view the slide deck for the small grants renewal decisions, community engagement process update and Community Council update.

Join us for the next Allocation Committee meeting

Our next meeting will be 10 a.m. to noon on Monday, Dec. 11, 2023. Agendas will be sent to our email list, shared on our social media channels and posted on portlandchildrenslevy.org

We welcome your comment on agenda items or the work of the Portland Children’s Levy. If you would like to join the next meeting to participate, please join our email list stay tuned for the meeting invite.