Large grant applications now open!

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For more than a decade, studies on the effectiveness of youth mentoring programs have suggested that youth with a long-term, consistent, caring adult mentor can experience myriad positive developmental and academic outcomes.

PCL’s goal in the mentoring program area is to connect children and youth with caring adult role models that support their well being. Drawing on community recommendations, local data and research, PCL adopted the following programmatic strategies to work toward this goal:  

Priorities for 2024-25 funding round

  1. Offer activities to increase social connections, reduce isolation, and affirm identities among youth and families with similar identities.
  2. Support youth, ages 14-24, to complete a pre-apprenticeship program, prepare for employment and/or college and/or complete an apprenticeship, post-secondary credential program or college degree.  
  3. Offer identity-specific support, opportunities and mental health resources for youth to express their feelings and heal from trauma, grief, and experiences of violence.
  4. Offer services that prevent youth from joining gangs and reduce gang involvement.
  5. Offer mentoring services that affirm the cultural, racial, gender, LGBTQ2SIA+ identities of youth and families.
  6. Help youth develop leadership skills.   

Priorities for current grants

  1. Support youth’s academic success and positive development.

View the list of current grants.

PCL publishes annual performance reports on funded programs each year.