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Child Abuse Prevention & Intervention

Research has shown that child abuse and neglect can result in short- and long-term physical, psychological and behavioral consequences for children. The extent of the impact varies widely and is affected by multiple factors, such as the child’s age at time of the abuse, type of maltreatment, and frequency and severity of maltreatment. High-quality, evidence-based services that focus on building protective factors can increase resilience in children and families in the short term and contribute to improved well-being and positive longer-term outcomes for children. 

PCL’s goal in the child abuse prevention and intervention program area is to prevent child abuse and neglect and support vulnerable families. Drawing on community recommendations, local data and research, PCL adopted the following programmatic strategies to work toward this goal:

  1. Enhance parenting skills to promote healthy child development.  
  2. Intervene to lessen harms and prevent future risk.  
  3. Connect families to needed resources and supports for stabilization. 

View the list of current grants.

PCL publishes annual performance reports on funded programs each year.