Link to live meeting: **

This public meeting will be held in-person at New Song Community Center and virtually via Zoom.  

  • You may view the meeting, which includes closed captioning, through the link above.  
  • If you would like to provide public comment at the meeting, sign up here.
  • In-person public access to the meeting is available at New Song Community Center, 220 NE Russell St., Portland, OR 97212.


Preliminary (10-15 min)
  1. Welcome/Introduction
  2. General Public Comment (non-agenda items)
Agenda Items
  1. Community Council Bylaws: Council will review their decision-making process and vote to adopt their bylaws. (20 minutes). Action: Staff presentation, committee questions, and vote

    BREAK (5 minutes)**
  2. Community Engagement Recommendations: Staff will present an overview of Council work on community engagement planning. Council will review, discuss, and vote on draft recommendations on community engagement goals, topics for community engagement, and priority communities to engage. (80 minutes) ** Action: Staff presentation, committee questions, public comment, small group work and large discussion, modifications, and vote

**While this meeting is livestreamed, you will hear meeting audio and see closed captioning during council discussions. During council breaks, small group discussion, and voting, the meeting livestream will not have audio or show captioning.

Learn more about attending online meetings and providing public testimony.

The City of Portland ensures meaningful access to City programs, services, and activities to comply with Civil Rights Title VI and ADA Title II laws and reasonably provides: translation, interpretation, modifications, accommodations, alternative formats, auxiliary aids and services.  Request these services online or call 503-823-4000, Relay Service: 711. 

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