Link to live meeting:

This public meeting will be held in-person at City Hall Council Chambers and virtually via Zoom.  

  • You may view the meeting, which includes closed captioning, through the link above.  
  • If you would like to provide public comment at the meeting, sign up here.  
  • In-person public access to the meeting is available at City Hall, 1221 SW 4th Avenue, 97204.


Preliminary (5-10 min)
  1. Welcome/Introduction 
  2. Approve Minutes from June 14, 2022 meeting
  3. General Public Comment (non-agenda items)
Agenda Items
  1. Grantee Partner Reflections: Three grantee partners providing after school program services will reflect on service delivery. Action: Committee questions, discussion, public comment. (30-40 min)
  2. Financial Report: Summary of grant spending to date, projected spending for FY 2022-23, and preliminary outlook on funds available for renewal grants. Action: Committee questions, discussion, public comment. (5-10 min)
  3. Community Council Update: PCL will introduce the new Community Engagement Coordinator, Racheal Nakhabala. Racheal will provide an update on the second round of member recruitment, orientation of current council members, and timelines. Action: Committee questions, discussion, public comment. (30 min)
  4. 2022 Community Report: Staff will provide an overview and presentation of the recently published 2022 Community Report, available on the Levy website. Action: Committee questions, discussion, public comment. (10 min)